Behavioral Health Consultants, LLC.
3018 Dixwell Avenue
Hamden, CT 06518
Toll Free:
(203) 288-3554
(203) 281-0235
3018 Dixwell Avenue
Hamden, CT 06518
Toll Free:
(203) 288-3554
(203) 281-0235
Welcome to Behavioral Health Consultants Employee Assistance Program. Our goal is to provide your company/agency with high quality, confidential, cost-efficient services designed to improve the overall health and productivity of your workforce.
Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) offer evaluation, brief counseling and referral services for employees that are having problems in life. These problems can occur in any number of areas including the family, substance use, emotional issues, among others. EAPs have developed and are thriving because they help employees to return to a more productive level of functioning. Thus they are at the same time an employee benefit, and a cost savings program. Virtually all large organizations offer EAPs. The Department of Labor reports that 48% of companies with 100 or more workers have EAPs. In fact, smaller companies need EAP services as much, if not more, than larger companies. Increasingly your company may be concerned about drug abuse, absenteeism, workplace accidents, stress, and employee turnover. Or you may be struggling with organizational issues, such as managers with deficient management skills, poor communication, low morale, stress, etc. all of which impact productivity. You may want to consider offering an Employee Assistance Program because it makes good business AND financial sense. For example, do you know that:
Our EAP’s primary function is to improve work place productivity. These
objectives are accomplished by providing appropriate assessment, referral,
or brief treatment, for ANY problem impacting an employee’s
work performance. BHC’s EAP also provides
extensive educational and training programs ranging from supervisory training,
prevention of sexual harassment, stress management, prevention of violence
in the workplace, diversity, etc.
The EAP is available to assist your supervisors whenever there is a performance problem. The fact is that most of us become supervisors either through promotion or attrition. Very few of us have either the training or a mentoring relationship to become an effective supervisor.
The BHC EAP provides supervisor training – The Performance Management Discussion. This training provides an overview of the roles and responsibilities of supervision, how to communicate effectively to enhance your supervises’ performance, how to identify and respond to a “troubled” employee, and how to engage in the discussion of work performance with your employees.
Additionally our EAP staff are available to consult with any supervisor regarding concerns regarding an employee’s work performance or behavior. Any supervisor is able to contact the EAP account manager at anytime to discuss concerns regarding the work performance of one of their employees, how to institute a supervisory referral, confidentiality, etc. This service is available 24/7 and is included in our fees.
Any business or organization today needs to be prepared for the unexpected. Whenever a tragedy occurs, i.e. a sudden and unexpected employee death, a horrific car or industrial accident, a robbery, etc. these events can be extremely upsetting to employees. Critical incidents in the workplace require an immediate response for a trained mental health professional.
BHC has the ability to respond immediately when contacted to provide CISD services.
Given our experience in working with sworn personnel, we understand how
important it is to respond immediately when a critical incident has occurred. One
of the benefits in working with a Connecticut-based EAP company, is our
ability to rely upon our own clinical staff to respond to critical incidents.
An employee may develop an emotional or behavioral problem, the source of which may or may not be related to the workplace. Their workplace performance may suffer to a level in which they are asked to, or voluntarily decide to take a leave. If their workplace performance had been disruptive or otherwise problematic it is appropriate to request a fitness for duty evaluation prior to allowing them to return to the workplace. The fitness for duty evaluation assesses those aspects of their functioning that were problematic and thus serves to insure that they have overcome their problems and will be able to return to their prior level of effective functioning.
We are extremely proud of services we provide to all of our clients. Regardless of size we are committed to delivering outstanding clinical, training, consultative and customer services. The best advertising we use comes from our client organizations. We strongly encourage you to contact them for references with regard to the services we provide for their employees, their managers, and their supervisors. Please contact us for a list of our references.