Behavioral Health Consultants, LLC.
3018 Dixwell Avenue
Hamden, CT 06518
Toll Free:
(203) 288-3554
(203) 281-0235
3018 Dixwell Avenue
Hamden, CT 06518
Toll Free:
(203) 288-3554
(203) 281-0235
The most valuable resource of any organization is their Human Resources.
Behavioral Health Consultants recognizes that enhancing the skill base of your employees enhances the functioning of your organization. We offer a wide range of training and consultation services to improve interpersonal communication, problem solving, employee evaluation, selection and promotion.
Our EAP helps your employees and your company. BHC has designed our EAP to provide high quality early intervention, brief treatment and referral for your employees in need. We particularly attend to the philosophy and policies of your company when managing problems that contribute to inadequate workplace performance.
Pre-Employment Screenings and Employee Evaluations
Enhance your selection accuracy with our Best Fit approach to pre-employment evaluations.
Our Best Fit technology allows us to design a comprehensive assessment package that is specifically tailored to fit the specific job requirements that your candidates are being evaluated for. Amongst the characteristics we may evaluate include motivational influences, leadership style, communication style preferences, and emotional intelligence traits, among others. We will identify the unique character aspects of your candidates and how close each candidate comes to being the Best Fit for the position and your company.
BHC also offers our Law Enforcement Selection System for public safety personnel.
We also provide Fitness for Duty and
other evaluations of current or disabled employees.
Management Team Evaluation and Training
A team should perform better than the sum of its parts. Team performance can be limited by ineffective interpersonal skills, misdirected leadership, relationship problems within the team or differing perspectives on the role of the team. BHC consultants are experienced in evaluating group dynamics and team effectiveness. We will design team building programs that incorporate the culture and goals of your company.
BHC clinicians can help your employees cope with natural or man made work place traumas. If workplace traumas are not addressed the emotional aftereffects can severely impact organizational productivity.
Violence Potential Assessment
Violence by employees, past employees or customers is a growing concern. BHC can
provide professional evaluation and consultation on the likelihood of a violent
reaction. We can also serve as part of a Threat Assessment Team.
Executive Coaching
Excellent technical skills allow one to be promoted to management but excellent interpersonal skills are necessary to thrive as a manager. BHC provides one-to-one coaching to help managers resolve specific interpersonal skill deficits and enhance their overall effectiveness at the workplace.
Diversity Training
There is strength in diversity. Differing backgrounds can allow for a wide variety of perspectives and enhance organizational creativity. Diversity is only strong when it is understood, respected and welcomed. BHC consultants are experienced in helping individuals and groups better understand and maximize the benefits of diversity in an organization.
BHC offers a variety of workshops and seminars
designed to improve the effectiveness and productivity of your employees
as individuals as well as corporate teams. Seminars include (but are
not limited to) Behavioral Wellness Programs, stress management, team building,
violence prevention, sexual harassment, and a variety of clinically related