Behavioral Health Consultants, LLC.
3018 Dixwell Avenue
Hamden, CT 06518
Toll Free:
(203) 288-3554
(203) 281-0235
3018 Dixwell Avenue
Hamden, CT 06518
Toll Free:
(203) 288-3554
(203) 281-0235
Law Enforcement Selection System (LESS)
BHC has developed the Law Enforcement Selection
System (LESS) to identify those candidates who have the greatest likelihood
for success as public safety personnel. The BHC LESS system uses a “multimodal” evaluation process that allows
for a quantitative and a qualitative assessment of each candidate. The
strength of the LESS system is that it provides a qualitative description
of each candidate’s strengths and weaknesses as well as quantitative
information about the candidate’s profile compared to the “ideal” candidate.
We are able to make clear-cut, defensible predictions of your candidate’s eventual adjustment, saving time and trouble in the selection of officer candidates.
Our system is based on sound, validated research involving thousands of actual public safety candidates. Our chief evaluators, Drs. Arnold D. Holzman and Mark J. Kirschner, have published extensively on both the methodology and effectiveness of the LESS program in publications such CT POLICE CHIEF and LAW & ORDER.
BHC offers a similar selection methodology for firefighters, dispatchers, and other emergency personnel as well.
Best-Fit Technology:
Pre-employment Evaluations for Managerial
Our pre-employment evaluation programs have been designed to enable you to hire and maintain the highest quality employees that will be the best fit for your organization. These screening programs utilize carefully selected combinations of statistically verifiable and legally defensible assessment instruments. By evaluating a combination of specific factors including personality traits, motivational influences, performance under pressure, emotional intelligence, among others, we are able to predict which candidate is the “Best Fit” for your organization.
Pre-employment Evaluations for non-managerial candidates
Maintaining a stable and high quality workforce is critical in today’s
competitive economy. Employee theft, frequent absenteeism, disruptive employee
relationships or workplace violence can disrupt the workplace immeasurably. BHC has
the capacity to evaluate important behavioral characteristics such as honesty,
reliability, customer service potential, work performance attitudes and
violence potential among employee candidates or current employees.